Retro prom hair

Retro prom hair

What comes to your mind once you consider the 80s period? Plausibly Madonna, dancing in period attires and singing cheerful songs. Perhaps Pat Benatar, singing enthusiastically power anthems. More significantly, you might think of Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club, with her stunning hairdo and adorned style.

In case you’re one of this year’s prom attendants, you more than probably haven’t experienced the fun and style of the 80s. Rather than tuning in to the upbeat Duran Duran and The Go Gos, you plausibly got used to the hard rock music of Nickelback and Daft Punk. While Daft Punk’s electronic beats are enjoyable for the dance floor, they don’t Retro prom hair offer many ideas for a retro look.

Only for you weren’t able to relish the 80s culture, doesn’t imply that you can’t contribute some of it to your prom event. Fortunately, you can neglect the leg warmers and sweat cuffs.

In order to grab that 80s prom sense, set your hairdo up in a fluffy, feathered Retro prom hair style with shiny colored barrettes or glitter. If you have fair hair, you can even go so far as to use pink or purple stripes. Don’t go exaggerated, though. A bit of 80s style in your hair is attractive, but too much will look awkward and retro.

Your earrings should be big and colorful. Go for rings and geometric dangles, with plastic or rhinestone accents. Simply put on one earring per lobe to keep off an ugly, exaggerated style. They should be glittery, shiny or both, with a virtually costume jewelry look.

Regarding a look that reflects 80s parties, search for big, bold plastic charms and pendants. Similar to the earrings, these should be colorful and glistering. Step up with the look through recreating a childhood favorite and putting on friendship bracelets and primary colored jellies.

You can apply a more costume like look by thinking of the original Material Girl and wearing big, glistering rhinestone or cubic zirconia pieces. Make them big, glitzy and flaunty to afford your look an extraordinary exciting hair style. This Retro prom hair style is most estimable with soft, girlie colors like light pink or baby blue in smooth cloths. Match them with satin gloves to get a highly 80s impressive  look.

Watch some music videos from 80s pop icons on YouTube to get ideas for your attire. For the most estimable retro prom style, you should follow just some period items. A large number of the Retro prom hair styles are still considerably accessible in mass merchandise jewelry departments. You will be required to manage some matching on your own though. If you can, get some friends to  shop with you so that you can make use of a third party’s view.

With the luscious, wise utilization of extraordinary 80s Retro prom hair items, you can establish a cute, extraordinary prom style that will grab you much attention and a little mood of the past time parties.

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